Paintings Woodcuts Etchings Drawings Lithographs Silkscreens Pastels Triptyches & Diptyches |
A site concerned with the creative process in some of its various visual and written forms and of one mans struggle with himself within that process. There are no C.V.s or long pedigrees, for they hide a multitude of sins and have become the cultural crutches of the art establishment, the be all and end all, where the work itself becomes a diagram or visual aid to the explanation.
It is the act of creation that is important and the image created should be a reflection of that act, a line around the soul of the creator. The price on the created is not the price of the image, but the price the artist has to pay to continue to live and work within the social structure. Shown here are some of the results of this artists continuing struggle. Most of the original art work is for sale and the majority are available reproduced in a unique and original format. See individual pages or the sales page for further information and please feel free to enquire via email The work shown is divided into its various mediums and also into subject matter. The site will be updated on a regular basis. |